Friday, January 15, 2016

Final blog post

  • How you began the layout of the game 
I got mazes and put them over the background.

  • How you worked through problems and what problems did you have
I had problems with having the sprites just go through the walls of the maze but i fixed it.

  • How you tested it
I played it.

  • Did it work as you intended.
Yes it did.

  • What are you most proud of in your game?
All of it.

  • What are you disappointed with if anything?

Project storyboard

1. It is a maze and you have to find the way out.

2. I will use a fish a maze and a key.

3. I chose a snow background with 2 trees in it.

4.You will get 10 points if you get to the key

5.There are 3 levels 3 different mazes.

Final Project Maze Game

Maze Game